Where Is God In Chronic Illness?

Where is God in Chronic Illness? This is a question that I found myself asking as I laid on the floor of my bathroom after throwing up in the middle of the night during a bad migraine flare up. 

You see I struggle I with Chronic Intractable Migraines and this particular one had lasted for about three weeks and I couldn’t keep much food down. So I found myself asking the questions of doubt in God that everyone ask. And God answered with a simple, I’m right here. He then took me on a journey throughout the next week to show me how. 

He let me sit on and press into these dwell of where are God in all of this. 

God is in the ebb and flow of life. God doesn’t  work despite the pain or around the pain; He works through the pain. 

God didn’t work around the fact that Joseph was sold into slavery and taken to Egypt; God elevated Joseph to a position so he could feed his brothers during a famine in their land while Egypt still had food. Yes, it was painful for Joseph, but God worked through the pain not despite the pain and not around the pain. 

We might not feel equipped to handle whatever we’re walking through in life, but God doesn’t equip us in the natural ways; that’s why He’s a supernatural God. Moses stood in front of the Red Sea only holding a stick. God didn’t tell Moses to walk around it, he said to walk right through and to use a stick!  The last time I checked that’s not the right tool for the job, God is a supernatural God because the Red Sea split and the Hebrew people made it through victorious!

If you’re struggling with Chronic Illness and you’re struggling to find hope in the darkness of it all I hope you find hope in the light God can still work through where you are right now. If that’s you reach out and let’s talk through the story of Joseph and how God used his suffering to elevate him!  If you’ve been praying for something for a long time, know that God is working through that to equip you in a supernatural manner!  I’m sure the Hebrew people never thought they would walk through the Red Sea to be delivered but that’s the story. Go and be prepared for God to work through whatever pain you maybe facing!  

God doesn’t work despite the pain; He works through the pain. 
